Only 4 natural Ingredients: TALLOW-CASTOR OIL-MYRHH-BEESWAX.
These three natural ingredients will do more for your skin than any product with 20 ingredients that you can’t spell on the spot.
Great for those who have used castor oil and myrrh in their skin care regimen and don’t have a negative reaction to either oils.
Myrrh oil is one of the oldest essential oils, and most expensive, because of it’s worth. It has numerous health benefits, including potent antioxidant properties and soothing effects on the skin.
moisturizing, hydrating, and cleansing due to the fatty acids
analgesic, or pain-relieving
Castor oil may have the following benefits for the skin and face:
Treating acne: Castor oil is anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, which may help treat and prevent acne.
Improving skin texture and complexion: The fatty acids in castor oil, such as ricinoleic acid and triglycerides, might help
cleanse, moisturize, and hydrate the skin
smooth and soften the skin
promote healthy pores
Heal chapped lips: lists castor seed oil as an ingredient to look for in products to heal chapped lips.
Reduce dark circles under the eyes
Apply a very thin layer right out of the shower, or right before bed.